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Statistics from the National Alcohol Treatment Monitoring System (NATMS) 1st April 2010 - 31st March 2011NDTMS was introduced on 1 April 2001; however, formal collection of structured alcohol treatment data was not incorporated into NDTMS until 1st April 2008. From this date, the Department of Health commissioned the National Treatment Agency (NTA) to collect and analyse alcohol treatment data on its behalf. This subset of the NDTMS Data Set consists of 28 data items and is known as the National Alcohol Treatment Monitoring System (NATMS) Data Set. NATMS forms a key part of The Department’s Alcohol Improvement Programme.
Home Location ERPHO
National or Regional National
Short Title Statistics from the National Alcohol Treatment Monitoring System (NATMS)
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Publication date 15 Mar 2012
Creator(s) NTA
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Is part of
  • Alcohol Topic Page - reports - Treatment & Interventions
  • Smoking in Young People
  • Topic page: Smoking
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Statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System 2008-2009
National bulletin: statistics from the national drug treatment monitoring system (NDTMS) 2003/04
National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS)
Statistics on Alcohol, England 2010
Alcohol-related hospital admissions annual data for 2009/10 and Q1 2010/11
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Geographical area England
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Resource Type website
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