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Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy for England 2004, PowerPoint presentationAlcohol brief from the DsPH meeting 12th Jan 2006
 Alcohol Brief Jan06.ppt [1.3MB] - Downloaded 251 times. Last downloaded 09 Apr 2012 19:55.
Format MS PowerPoint File (.ppt)
Home Location ERPHO
National or Regional Regional
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Publication date 12 Jan 2006
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Is part of
  • Alcohol Topic Page - reports - Policy
Is related to
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Alcohol harm reduction strategy for England
Reducing Alcohol Harm: health services in England for alcohol misuse
Alcohol consumption in adults (16+) 1998-2004: England and GO regions
Statistics on alcohol: England, 2004
Statistical Bulletin. Statistics on alcohol: England, 2004
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Geographical area England
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Resource Type presentation
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