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Adult Social Care

Lead analyst:

The purpose of the adult social care page is to support effective commissioning of adult social care and the wider adult social care determinants of the population of East of England. It is aimed at Health and Adult Social Care Performance and Policy managers and in conjunction with JSNA data, can be used by commissioning managers.

', Department of Health White Paper, sets out how the Government wishes to see services delivered for people; a new direction for adult social care, putting personalised services and outcomes centre stage.

Adult Social Care Key Indicators

Fingertips, An overview of the key indicators contained within the proposed Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework with additional supporting indicators, including wider social care determinants. Data in this tool are displayed for top-tier local authorities, reflecting responsibility for adult social care. Fingertips is an interactive web tool designed and created by erpho to provide easy access to in-depth analysis for health and social care data. Indicators are displayed in interactive 'tartan rugs' or red-amber-green (RAG) charts, spine charts, funnel plots, bar charts and time series charts, enabling easy interpretation and comparison against a choice of benchmarks.

All Health and Wellbeing indicators at your Fingertips

The profiles are now 'at your Fingertips', in our interactive webtool for health and wellbeing indicators.

Adult Social Care Atlas

Using a wide range of public information across social care, the dataset aims to generate an easy to use tool kit, to enable the 11 councils with adult social care responsibility and other key stakeholders an informative picture of their area within the region. The toolkit highlights where areas information is above the norm and where it is below it. The product was the first and it is our intention to take forward this to include health information to allow comparison across the partnerships.